I’ve compiled a short lists of companies that can be a motivating force for the new entrepreneur to start it up!
Magic Bean is an new online incubator of start-ups. Apply for their 2011 year, and get advice from people that have done it!
Build your website with shopify, become the most successful among the other entrepreneurs, or even just in your category and win some HUGGEE money. Along with the chance to sit with some top industry experts and entrepreneurs like Seth Godin, Gary Vaynerchuck and Tim Ferris.
Making profits and changing the world for the positive is your thing? Then come up with a great idea as a social entrepreneur. It’s free. Work in several stages to come up with an idea, and start incubating that idea. This year: Trim the waste of fashion. Winner receives $40,000 toward their business
Got a creative project you need funding for? Well it works like micro-financing except you never need to pay anybody back. I highly recommend this site if you have a brilliant idea, some execution and need a further push.
Outsourcing can help the new start-up cut costs, look to websites like freelancer to help you do that.
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