Sunday, February 27, 2011

Rrrrrol up the rim to win!

For all the Canadians you will recognize the iconic Tim Horton’s advertising campaign. We recognize it because it is such a successful campaign. It was first started in 1986, and since inception it has weaved itself into the hearts of Canadians. We ask ourselves - Why buy a coffee anywhere else when rolling up the rim could win us a sweet prize?


Why has Tim Horton’s campaign been so successful?

1) It brings out the competitive nature of people. We like to win. Here is a man who has dedicated his blog to his roll up the rim statistics.

2) It’s catchy. We remember, RRrrrrrrrroll up the rim to win.

3) Because they spend money on it. Total approximate retail value of all prizes is $57,135,015 CDN. Hidden among over 280 million cups!  I’ve been trying to find out statistics how much their sales go up during this promo, but no luck yet. 

4)The focus of Roll up to is reward loyal customers. Loyal customers are a businesses most important lifeline. Make them happy, make them believe what you believe and they will spread the word for you.

5) They bring it back every year. All of Canada now recognizes Tim Horton’s Roll Up the Rim marketing campaign.

Is there a way a business could bounce off of their massively successful campaign? I think there is; by creating a marketing campaign asking people to bring in the cups where they haven’t won and allowing them to enter to win a prize with the purchase of a coffee/ and or other product (whatever type of business you offer).

As entrepreneurs we should always be asking ourselves – what can we learn from massively successful campaigns: such as Tim Hortons Roll up the Rim to Win. And how and if we can use them to spread our companies influence and create our own customer base.