I was listening to an Interview with James Caan a very successful British Entrepreneur who said, “Because I have consistently and continually been investing in myself, because I want to learn more, I want to be better than I was yesterday and if I don’t do that for me who else will do that?” I had an Aha!! moment.
We all want to be better than we were yesterday, and while not all of us can afford to enter the Advanced Management Programme at Harvard Business School evolution is still within our grasp.
Staying at the forefront of learning, exposing yourself to new theories and opportunities, and consistently re-evaluating and evolving your business is a necessity to the success of any and every business. Investing time and money into yourself gives you as the man behind the business more credibility, more knowledge. We live in a world of opportunity but very often that opportunity is only available to those with the credibility and credibility develops slowly, but overtime, once momentum starts picking up – nothing can stop a man with an idea.
So the question is what are you doing to become better than you were yesterday? I believe this is an important question, one we can all think about.
Below is the entire interview with James Caan.
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