Social media is here and more prevalent than ever. Everyday more and more businesses make the decision to go “social. If your planning on going social ask yourself and your business a few questions:
What do my customers want? Do they want to learn more about the services I offer, or do they want to be updated on weekly deals etc.
How can talking to them through social media help solve problems? Can they be used to help improve your business. Starbucks uses crowdsourcing (more on this next week) in the form of an independent website.
What venue of social media do I use? Foursquare? Twitter? Facebook? Blogging?
If I communicate through social media am I building loyalty or destroying it?
Make sure your aware of the responsibility that comes with going social. Seth Godin talks about permission marketing for when people join your facebook group or give you their email to use – they are giving you permission to talk to them. Don’t waste it and don’t overdo it. Over-spamming someone’s email with non-relevant information will ultimately result in your customers unsubscribing. Not updating or providing relevant information weekly/ bi weekly results in wasted potential.
Lastly as a small business owner with limited resources – choose to start with one venue. Don’t do them all, do one of them really well. If you blog – know what you’re blogging about and how it’s relevant to your customers. If you’re using foursquare set up a scavenger hunt to build loyalty etc. Just stay committed to doing one of them really well and once you own one platform, then spread among the other social media platforms.
Question of the day. What social media platform do you personally use?
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